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Our Mission

Welcome to “Your Furry Buddy” – a virtual map of all the shelters around you! Our mission is simple yet powerful: to connect loving homes with furry companions in need. We’ve created this platform with a heart full of compassion and a vision of a world where every animal finds their forever home.

The Problem

In every corner of the world, a growing population of abandoned and homeless animals faces a multitude of challenges. These animals, once companions to humans, now find themselves struggling to survive on the streets, often facing hunger, disease, and cruelty. The issue of stray or abused animals is not just about their well-being; it’s a reflection of the larger challenges we face as a society.

The Solution

At “Your Furry Buddy,” we believe that every wagging tail and purring friend deserves a chance to live a life full of love, care, and happiness. Our platform provides a comprehensive map of shelters and organizations dedicated to rescuing and caring for dogs and cats, making it easier than ever to find your perfect furry companion.

We know that adopting a pet doesn’t just change their life – it changes yours too. By bringing together animal lovers, shelters, and organizations, we aim to make the adoption process seamless, joyful, and full of hope. We want to educate and foster a caring culture where people and society learn to love animals and take responsibility for their furry buddies.

We want to create a virtual map of all animal shelters and rescue centers in Europe,
making animal adoption a seamless and joyfull process.

As a project, Your Furry Buddy is the result of a childhood dream to make the lives of animals in Bulgaria better. Initially, the concept revolved around building a shelter, where all stray dogs and cats could find a home, health care, and hopefully, a new caring family.

Even though the number of dog shelters, organizations, and voluntary projects that aim to help and improve the lives of animals, is growing rapidly, so does the amount of dogs and cats who have been abused, neglected, or tossed by their owners. Another shelter wouldn’t have been the solution. We needed to create a bigger platform that informs people about the existing shelters, the animals that are there, and the possibilities for adoption.

The Platform

As of today, Your Furry Buddy still has limited capabilities. As a whole, the website provides a map with shelters and organizations that take care of animals across Southeast Europe (SEE). We aim to include and present shelters and projects that are legitimate and really help animals in need. In order to filter the shelters and exclude such that do not offer the best conditions for the animals, we have included a review option, where anyone could give their feedback and share their experience with the respective shelter or organisation.

Future Plans

In the future we plan to grow the platform and enable users and shelters to connect directly, exchange information, and make adoption easier and safer.

Join us on this journey of compassion, kindness, and companionship. Together, let’s give every furry buddy the chance to find their forever home, and let’s make the world a better place, one paw at a time.
